Consumer Vengeance

I started this blog to get other peoples views about being ripped off. Personally, I am tired of the multinationals and corporations showing disrespect to me the consumer and treating me as furniture or a statistic. I'm an object to be manipulated, queued or exploited. What I want are examples of your experiences and what you did to get your own back on the call centres and banks etc.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Call centres

What do you think about placing them abroad?
I’m not sure whether I’m for or against it. I’ve been arguing for years that the western world should be spreading some of its wealth around and if they put a call centre in India, it gives the local economy jobs and reasons to train and educate etc. I read somewhere that the Indians need a degree just to work there. I don’t know if that’s true. It would be nice to think that the wages are higher than the normal for the area but the suspicion is that the call centre has been moved there for financial reasons rather than altruistic reasons.
And its bloody frustrating when the line isn’t crystal clear and the person is difficult to understand.


  • At 17/8/06 6:39 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I placed an ad with the local paper and they fckd it up. it cost me £15. i rang up and went through the stupid machine and eventually spoke to some girl who couldn't help and she took my number and said someone would ring me back. they never did. I think we should be able to recharge them incases like this say, the fee they charge plus the same in hassle for the payer. they should have to pay me £30 plus the same again for not ringing back.

  • At 17/8/06 6:40 pm, Blogger puppetshadow said…

    sounds good to me. keep complaining until you get a refund of some sort. which paper was it too? if you advertise how bad they are, they are more lilely to sack the morons and get someone in who can do it properly.

  • At 18/8/06 6:50 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    was the grimsby evening telegraph. I rang the paper back today and after speaking to four people and giving the same story to three of them, one eventually said they would get someone else (a Claire McVeigh) to ring me back. later someone else rang back (who wasn't claire McVeigh), took the details and said they would go away and get someone else to ring me back. no one ever did. rubbish

  • At 18/8/06 6:52 pm, Blogger puppetshadow said…

    nice one. getting names is good as long as everything is completely factual. I'll see if i can geta comment from them


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