The Ideal Scenario
Lets’s say for example, Texaco have the most expensive petrol on the M1 for no apparent reason considering that in a village 3 miles away, it is being sold at 5 pence per litre cheaper (though we know that could never happen, right?). This consumer led organisation would send a letter to the manager asking him why the petrol is so expensive. (He doesn’t dictate the price himself but he would pass the letter on to his area manager.) If there is no reply to the letter, or if the reasoning is not satisfactory, the consumer led organisation would then send memoranda/communiqué/email etc to its members to embargo that filling station for one day/one week etc. It would work if enough people did it. Of course, there may be legal consequences that would need to be ironed out first. It would only have to happen two or three times effectively before just the letter itself would be enough to send palpitations through a company.Who shall we go for first? You tell me…
What a dream…
What a dream…
At 18/8/06 6:57 pm,
Anonymous said…
brick wall - firing squad
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